Disclaimer: This page is for Client use only.

If you are interested in learning ways in which you can use hypnosis and learn self-hypnosis as a safe, effective tool as a way of enhancing your control over your own body please contact Kristine for more information.

Targeting Comfort

There are many ways that you can explore accessing relief. While audio recordings are beneficial, they are still 'outside,' resources.  I want to provide some help in developing your internal skill set at accessing relief.

The intent of this space is to offer you a variety of options, including both outside resources, such as guided meditations and hypnosis audios, and through engaging your own inner resources, to start changing the way you have been doing things up to this moment. So, rather than repeating those day to day patterns as you may have been in the past, I will offer you some ideas to build on, to investigate so you can notice how things begin to change moving forward.

Your mind- body connection is important. Often, I feel the medical community has been taught to solely treat only the body yet we are never disconnected at the neck. Pain has many components; two of the most obvious being the physiological and emotional components. These are incredibly intertwined as what happens in our minds- emotions, thought processes, perceptions, our five senses- is always reflected in our bodies. In the same way, what happens in our bodies is always reflected and recorded in our minds. In working with me I often will ask a person to pay attention to their self- talk. That inner dialogue that may be going on inside of you is so important. The most important relationship you will ever have in this life is the one you have with yourself. Do your best to keep that inner talk positive and encouraging. Imagine talking to yourself as you would your very best friend. And, if at first you don’t succeed please don’t give up but rather give yourself a pep talk and see what happens as you continue moving forward.

Commit to practicing, to continuing to learn and explore while discovering your very own unique inner resources for feeling relief and taking back control in your life moving forward.

As you scroll down this page you will notice some information on

  • Guided audios,

  • Interactive Approach in exploring self-hypnosis,

  • Imagery suggestions, as well as

  • Additional Resources: Mind-body practices and exercises.

If you have suggestions for this page please let me know so I can add for others to benefit from using!


 Guided Audios

These guided hypnosis and meditation audios are tools that you may choose to use through your day. Explore what works easiest or best for you. You may also find that when one suggestion doesn’t quite work you can instead switch it up a bit and see how that changes things for you.

Mediation 1: Switching it Up

Breathing into that Space * Switches and Dials * Self Talk

This guided meditation may be used while resting or while out walking. Kristine will guide you through breathing into an area of your choosing; using switches or dials in areas of your body, and mentions the importance of self talk and what we give our attention to.

Duration: 11 minutes


Meditation 2 White Light Meditation

White light filter * clearing self and others

This  self care clearing meditation will guide you through using a white filter to clear your body, to help clear your loved ones and beyond.

Duration: 7min 21seconds

sunset-691848_1920 (1).jpg

Hypnosis Audio 3: Healing Disk of Light

Healing Disk of Light

Relax your mind and body as a healing disk of light moves through you finding any damage while restoring your body to a healthy condition. This audio may be especially helpful if you are feeling ill; wanting to strengthen your immune system; or promote a general sense of wellness.

Duration: 25 minutes


Interactive Approach for Exploring Self Hypnosis


Double Helix of Change

Duration: 12 minutes

Self Hypnosis Guide

Explore this technique every couple of hours, for a few minutes or as long as you like. Go at your own pace or set your phone timer for a set time. See and feel how things change as you learn and master this skill in helping yourself feel more comfort!

Where your awareness goes…. your energy flows.

Breakdown of steps:

  1. State positive suggestion as you take 3 slow deep breaths (focusing on what you want!).

  2. Choose induction (e.g. thumb nail and raised arm /eye fatigue/ flickering candle flame).

  3. Count backwards slowly from 10 to 1.

  4. See and feel yourself accomplishing suggestion of your choosing (various options listed below).

  5. Count yourself back to the present from 1 to 5.


The Light Switch Suggestion

Explore this guided self hypnosis audio and see how things change.

33 minutes in duration



Mind-body communication

Use your breath to soften and loosen trapped energy. Increase your body-mind communication to dampen those signals travelling along your CNS.

Options for Suggestions

Following your breath into that space of your choosing, with every inhale breathing exactly what you need into that space, perhaps heat, a healing color, whatever it is that you choose; and with every exhale you may choose to release, yes, release anything unwanted, unused or unneeded. (changing the shape, shrinking like a puddle drying up in the suns’ warmth)

Healing disks of light, moving down through your body, pulling and releasing just what is right for you in this moment, today, seeing and feeling that matrix, as it works its way through your body, pulling and releasing everything unwanted, unused, unneeded, and noticing what you may be feeling as that occurs- perhaps warmth, a release of any harmful toxins, or bacteria, releasing any stagnant energy, as that matrix travels at just the right rate through your body, pulling and releasing just what is right for you, and perhaps even noticing how in the release, everything unwanted, unused or unneeded seems to break up, separate, yes continuing to break up and just evaporate right out of your body, releasing back into the universe, and just noticing how that changes things.

Imagine yourself sitting in a dentist’s chair. Picture the lights in the room, the feeling of the chair, the smells and sounds of a dentist’s office. Remember the time when the dentist took out that large needle and injected Novocaine into your gum. Try now to re-create that feeling of the pressure in your gum and the gradual numbness spreading throughout your jaw and your cheek. Feel your cheek getting more and more numb, that numbness spreading throughout cheek and mouth; and then when you are ready, let your hand float up and touch your cheek and feel how numb it is, and as you feel that numbness, let the numbness spread from your cheek to your fingers, so that your hand begins to feel numb. Then let your hand float over to touch the part of your body in which you feel some discomfort and let that numbness spread. This numbness becomes a filter through which your experience pain, and you learn in this manner to filter the hurt out of the pain.

Visualize your shadow somewhere outside in the sun. It moves with you and is attached to your body, but yet, it is not inside of your body. It is attached but separate. It is outside of you. Imagine putting your discomfort into your shadow. Use whatever imagine works for you. Perhaps you can see the discomfort flowing out of your physical body into your shadow. Then imagine yourself floating away from your shadow and the discomfort. The discomfort is not in your shadow and not in your body. You can then watching the discomfort flow out of the shadow that is now separate from your body. When all of it has flowed out, imagine merging back together with your shadow. Notice how that has changed things.

Travel to a wonderful place of healing and comfort. See it, feel it, note any sounds or scents. Just make yourself comfortable and really sink into this space.

Be creative and see/feel what works best for you!

Additional Resources: Mind Body Practices & Exercises

Note: To view videos easier click on ‘full screen’ mode once you click on the video itself.

The Physiology of Tai Chi and QiGong

The mind, body and energetic practices of Tai Chi and QiGong influence all systems of the body promoting healing and empowerment.

Below are some suggestions only. Consider what you feel comfortable with exploring:)

Your Lymphatic System: important information

Your lymph system serves many purposes including to remove dead tissue and any waste products including toxins. This system circulates while your body is moving during your daily activities, and during exercise in particular.

If the flow of lymph becomes blocked you can stimulate your lymph system through massage on both the front and back of your body. Listen to the audio below for more information.


10 minute seated workout / 15 minute seated workout

15min QiGong Energy Routine


How to make healing energy

This is a good video for exploring energy and creating energy that you can then direct to where you want more healing.

If sitting- slapping your hands together in the front only will be fine.